This is a special moment for father and son. This will be my first birthday celebration for Daddy. Happy birthday to you Daddy! Blow out the candle and remember to make a big wish for Mommy and I.
I am such a big boy now! Look at my pearly whites. Mommy and I make quite a team. I am looking pretty GQ at the moment. Whee! This gets better every time! What can I say, I just love the swings. I am trying to crawl up the slide, but I am just not brave enough yet.
Grandma and I are having a little laugh together. A little cozy time on the steps of the temple. We are such a happy family. Look at how happy my Mommy and Daddy are to be with me! Here I am snuggling in with my Aunty Rachel. Aunty and Grandma can't get enough of me. Grandma took the day off from work to spend some time with me. Mommy's handsome men showing their wonderful smile!
Don't I look pretty cool in this outfit? This green stuff I am stepping on is kind of weird! I am not sure what I am sitting on. It is kind of cold and prickly. I look pretty tough in this outfit. Hey! Who wants to mess with me? I will be ready to take you down with my smile anytime!
My Grand Aunt Yasmin is pushing me around her little community garden. I am hungry and tired and want to go back to the house. However, I can always give Mommy a picture perfect smile before she takes me back home.