Monday, February 26, 2007

My Funny Face

I came home from daycare with a new facial expression under my belt.
What do you think about this new face?
My new face makes my Grandpa and Grandma laugh.
I am having a lot of fun with this new face.
I don't think the girls can resist this new face!

Mommy thinks this new face of mine is a result of an itch in my nose.
This face will make everyone smile.

Leg Strength

Look Mommy and Daddy I can pull myself up and stand!
This is quite a workout pulling myself up all the time.
I think my calf muscles are becoming more defined. Ooops! I have fallen and I am trying to get up.

Monday, February 19, 2007

My First Chinese New Year Morning

Mommy, dressed me in my Chinese outfit to celebrate my first Chinese New Year with the family.
Grandpa is giving me my first Chinese New Year red envelop.
Grandma is also giving me another red envelop. I love the color red!
All I really want to do right now is put this red envelop inside my mouth!

Our Little Chinese Prince

I am a royal cutie.
I have such a royal smile.
The camera seems to just love me.
How does this toy work?

Great Grandpa's 78th Birthday

Last year during Great Grandpa's birthday I was still growing inside Mommy.
However, this year I get to join in all the excitement.
I will be able to sing Happy Birthday to Great Grandpa next year for sure.
Everybody just loves me so much.

Friday, February 16, 2007

What Am I Sitting On?

What is this weird green stuff I am sitting on?

Daddy and I had a lot of fun at the park today.

Twisting and Turning With Daddy

This slide is long and fast, but it was a lot of fun for me and Daddy.

I Love the Swing

Can you see the drool dripping from my mouth?

The swing makes me oh so happy!
Do you like my Nike shoes?

Went Tubing At The Park

I think Mommy and Daddy found me hiding inside this yellow tube. Daddy takes some of the best pictures of me.

Sliding With Mommy

Get ready. Get set, GO!
Ohh, that was so much fun!
We had to do it again.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

No Holds Bar

These bars cannot hide my handsome face!

Scrumptious Thighs and Feets

These are the most squeezable thighs you will ever encounter.
I have cute chubby toes and feet.
I think I need to get more sun. My legs are just too white!
I know you want to bite and suck my scrumptious toes and thighs, but that privilege is only given to Mommy and Daddy.